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WHAT IS YOUR DESIRE? LOGOBRANDINGWEBSITEMEDIACADTOOLSGOLD [group group-logo]Just a LOGO? Are you sure you don't need full package?YesNo[/group] [group group-logo_no]No, I'm Not sure. What is Branding? Go to FAQS, find your answer and start New Offer - No, I'm Not sure if I want a web site. Show me what you got to offer me again! Go to Pricing table or WebSite Offer, find your answer and start New Offer[/group] [group group-logo_yes]Yes, I'm Sure that I only need Logo[/group] [group group-branding]Good choice! As LOGO is inclusive, Are you sure you don't want Web Site? Nowadays WebSites are essential for Private and Business use, a part of modern branding. YesNo[/group] [group group-branding_no]I'm Not sure if I want a WebSite. Show me what you got! - Go to Pricing table or WebSite Offer, find your answer and start New Offer[/group] [group group-branding_yes]Yes, I'm Sure that I only need Branding - Branding Design with me includes: - Logo - Business Card, - Compliment Card, - Letter Head + Envelope - Branding Guide Line - Do you need any other, Office Stationary and Promo Material?.YesNo[/group] [group group-branding_more]Please select all Designs you need:T-ShirtsCups / MugsPuzzlesFlyerLeaflets / BrochuresPosterBillboardFlagsStandsBannerRoadSignNot On List[/group] [group group-branding_more_add]Please write down what you haven't seen but you need it:[/group] [group group-website]Great choice! As BRANDING is inclusive. Do you need Domain? I'm using as my Domain Provider (only for .com, .net, .org; other domain types will be charged extra), as it is included in my offer with Hosting, WHOIS privacy is includedYes I DoNo, I already have domain[/group] [group group-domain]- WebSite Inclusive Essentials: - Responsive Template; - Simple Gallery; - 1 Custom E-mail Address; - Other WebSite Offer Inclusives: - Server hosting - Security & Anti-spam protection - 12 month administration (updates install, small fixes) - Basic SEO - 4 Menu items management - IT Consulting - Site documentation - Speed optimization - Quality certificate - Testimonials - Do you need any other application on your WebSiteYesNo[/group] [group group-web_additionals]ADDITIONAL PLUGINS (€+): AdvancedAdvanced FormsMembership and User managementLogin Social Media Integration (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter..)NewslettersTestimonialsPoolsAdvanced SecurityYearly Design RefreshmentYour Daily Web ModeratorProfessional:_[/group] [group group-web_additionals__pro]ProfessionalSHOPHR ManagementSocial media marketingProfessional GalleryGamificationEmail marketingStreamsCopyrightsGoogle Local Guide reviewsGoogle AnalyticsAdWordsSeasonal Design RefreshmentYour Hourly Web ModeratorCustom:_[/group] [group group-web_additionals_custom]CustomMobile Apps (iOS / Android)High Class Design TemplateSpecial:_[/group] [group group-web_additionals_custom_add]Please type what kind of Application do you need:[/group] [group group-web_media]- Additional MediaNonePhoto(s)Video(s)CopywritingAreal Recordings by DroneModel(s) / Actor(s)Illustrations & Animations[/group] [group group-project_design]- ProjectTHEMEEstateEconomicsART / DesignClothingFactoryHuman ResourceSport / FitnessBeauty SalonsCarsAccommodations / Hotels / TourismRestaurants / BarsEventsOther ProjectAUDIENCE ProjectTARGET ProjectBUDGET ProjectSTYLE:SIMPLEELEGANTBOLDDECORATIVEFUNKYPUNK LogoSTYLE:TEXTICONICON+TEXT Your Examples: Project Description / Your Vision: Do you need your Stationary to be pre printed with your Logo or Brand?YesNo[/group] [group group-design_print]Select neededBusiness Cards (1000)LetterHeads on A4 Bundle (A4x500pcs)Envelopes (100)Flyer (1000)Leaflets / Brochures (500)Posters (1000)Billboard (1)Flag(s)Stand(s)Banner(s)RoadSign(s)Other Surface:_ [group group-design_print_add]Please type in needed surface[/group] Print Quantity Do you need Marketing Campaign as well? YesNo[/group] [group group-project_media]- Desired MediaPhotographyVideoScreenwritingAreal Recordings with DroneModels / ActorsIllustrationsAnimations-
ProjectTHEMEEstateEconomicsART / DesignClothingFactoryHuman ResourceSport / FitnessBeauty SalonsCarsAccomodations / Hotels / TourismRestaurants / BarsEventsOther ProjectAUDIENCE: ProjectTARGET: ProjectBUDGET: - ProjectSTYLE: SIMPLEELEGANTBOLDDECORATIVEFUNKYPUNK Your Examples: Project Description / Your Vision: Do you need Marketing Campaign as well? YesNo[/group] [group group-project_cad]- CAD Media: AutoCADGoogleSketchUPOther 3D developer: 3D Studio / Maya / ...-
ProjectTYPE: ArchitectureTelecommunicationsVideo SurveillanceCODE/RFID Physical Access ControlOther ProjectAUDIENCE: ProjectTARGET: ProjectBUDGET: - Your Examples: Project Description / Your Vision:[/group] [group group-project_tools]- Please have in mind that price of Tools have different price according to material they purpose, in price will be included: Development/Tool Fabrication + Material -
ProjectTYPEDry StampPunching toolsLeather Processing ToolsSprocket(s)Gear(s)Other ProjectAUDIENCE ProjectTARGET ProjectBUDGET ToolMATERIAL:StealIronAluminumBronzeOther Material Your Examples: Project Description / Your Vision:[/group] [group group-project_gold]- Please have in mind that price of Customized Gold objects have different price than usually, in price will be included: Design + Mold(s)&Cast + Price of Gold according to its weight price -
JewelryTYPEPendantWedding or Engagement Ring(s)BrochePin(s)SculptureOther ProjectAUDIENCE ProjectTARGET ProjectBUDGET JewelryMATERIAL:YellowGOLDWhiteGOLDRoseGOLDMixedGOLDOther Material: Silver / Steel / Titanium / ... JewelrySTYLE:SIMPLEELEGANTBOLDDECORATIVEFUNKYPUNK Your Examples: Project Description / Your Vision:[/group] [group group-almost_done]Are you satisfied with your Requests?YesNo[/group] [group group-personal_info] --------------- PERSONAL & COMPANY INFO Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Phone Number (or Mobile number) Your Company name(required) / If you don't have, type in that you don't have company yet Your Company Web Address If You Got One Your Message
Are these informations correct? YesNo[/group] [group group-submit_form] --------------- For Final Step Please Solve This Easy Quiz 3*3 [/group]